Showing 73–96 of 130 results

M-04 육개장/Yukgaejang

香辣牛肉絲湯/Spicy beef soup with skirts, ferns and vegetables

M-05 우거지국/Ugeoji Guk

幹白菜湯/Cabbage soup in fermented soybean paste broth

M-06 순대국/Sundae Guk

米腸湯/Korean blood sausage soup with vegetables in fermented soybean paste broth

M-07 시레기순대국/Siraegi Sundae Guk

幹白菜米腸湯/Korean blood sausage soup with dried radish leaves in fermented soybean paste broth

M-09 뼈 선지해장국/Byeo Seonji Haejang Guk

骨頭解酒湯/Hangover soup with pork backbone and ox blood pudding

M-10 황태해장국/Hwangtae Haejang Guk

幹明太魚解酒湯/Hangover soup with dried pollock and bean sprouts

M-12 만두국/Mandu Guk

餃子湯/Homemade beef dumpling and rice cake soup with vegetables

M-13 떡만두국/Tteok Mandu Guk

年糕餃子湯/Homemade beef dumpling and rice cake soup with vegetables

M-14 된장찌개/Doenjang Jjigae

醬湯/Fermented soybean paste stew with seafood, tofu and vegetables

M-16 생태찌개/Saengtae Jjigae

鮮明太魚湯/Spicy pollock stew with vegetables and tofu

M-19 닭볶음탕/Dak Bokkeum Tang

燉雞湯/Boiled chunks of chicken with vegetables and spices

M-20 비빔밥/Bibimbap

拌饭/Rice mixed with vegetables, meat, an egg and chili pepper paste

M-23 열무보리밥/Yeolmu Boribap

小蘿蔔泡菜麥飯/Barely rice bowl with young radish water kimchi

M-24 오징어돌솥/Ojingeo Dolsot

魷魚石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy squid and vegetables

M-25 제육돌솥/Jeyuk Dolsot

辣豬肉石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy pork and vegetables

M-26 낙지돌솥/Nakji Dolsot

蟑魚石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy octopus and vegetables