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A-1 슈마이/Shumai(6pcs)
燒賣/Steamed shrimp dumplings-
A-2 만두스프/Mandu Soup
餃子湯/Homemade beef dumpling soup
A-3 물만두/Mul Mandu
蒸餃(豬肉&牛肉)/Boiled pork, beef & vegetable dumpling
A-4 군만두/Guwn Mandu
煎餃/Pan-fried dumpling
A-5 고추파전/Gochu Pajeon
辣椒煎餅/Korean pepper pancake with vegetable stuffing
A-6 해물파전/Haemul Pa Jeon
海鮮煎餅/Seafood and scallion pancake
A-7 김치전/Kimchi Jeon
泡菜煎餅/Kimchi pancake
A-8 감자전/Potato Jeon
土豆煎餅/Potato pancake
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