Showing 37–54 of 58 results

M-19 닭볶음탕/Dak Bokkeum Tang

燉雞湯/Boiled chunks of chicken with vegetables and spices

M-24 오징어돌솥/Ojingeo Dolsot

魷魚石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy squid and vegetables

M-25 제육돌솥/Jeyuk Dolsot

辣豬肉石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy pork and vegetables

M-26 낙지돌솥/Nakji Dolsot

蟑魚石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with stir fried spicy octopus and vegetables

M-28 불고기돌솥/Bulgogi Dolsot

石鋼牛肉/Hot stone rice bowl with bulgogi and vegetables

M-29 해물돌솥/Haemul Dolsot

海鮮石鍋拌飯/Hot stone rice bowl with seafood and vegetables

M-33 아귀매운탕/Agwi Maeuntang

鮫鯨魚辣湯/Spicy monkfish stew with vegetables and tofu

M-34 보양탕/Boyangtang

羊肉湯/Spicy lamb stew with perilla leaves and vegetables

M-35 감자탕/Gamjatang

豬排土豆湯/Spicy pork backbone stew with potatoes

M-37 묵은지고등어조림/Mugeunji Godeungeo Jorim

酸泡菜鯖魚/Boiled mackerel pasted with long fermented aged kimchi broth.

S-04 황태구이/Hwangtae Gui

烤幹明太魚/Grilled pollock with fermented soybean paste soup

S-05 병어감자조림/Byungeo Gamja Jorim

銀魚燉土豆/Braised silver pomfret with potatoes with spicy gochujang(chili paste)sauce  

S-06 갈치조림/Galchi Jorim

燉刀魚/Braised beltfish with spicy gochujang(chili paste)sauce